Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Grilled Haloumi and Cantaloupe Salad

3 slices of grilled Haloumi cheese (a Greek cheese to die for!)
1 cup cantaloupe
1/2 avocado
1 tablespoons lime/mint/olive oil dressing

Eat with a slice of whole wheat bread (for your grains)--and then just float off to heaven because this is SO very good!


  1. where do i find the cheese!?!!?!

  2. I have been looking and looking since we moved here---but I found some at Sunflower Market last week! Not cheap, but well worth it!

  3. Awesome. I love that place. Their freshly ground PB is to die for.
    THanks!! Keep these posts coming, I LOVE the way you inspire me to eat--whole foods, not a lot of work, and delicious combinations. You go, girl.

  4. Thanks Nora! You say the NICEST things!!! And yes, Sunflower's PB is wonderful! And their almond butter. And their honey! I will keep the posts coming! (Haven't felt much like eating in the past 2 weeks due to dental appointments.)
